Microprocessor 8085 PSBTE May 2018 Paper SECTION-A
Q1. Do as directed. 15×1=15
8085 is having 8 data Lines.
SIM stands for Set Interrupt Mask.
There are Five number interrupts in 8085 .
TRAP is the highest priority Interrupt.
ALE stands for Address Latch Enable.
Push and Pop are the stack instructions .
Accumulator is 8 bit Register.
Program Counter is 16 bit Register.
DMA stands for Direct Memory Access.
Return instruction is always the last instruction of of subroutine.
EPROM stands for Erasable Program Read Only Memory .
XCHG stands for Exchange.
Number of ports in 8255 are Three.
LIFO stands for Last In First Out.
MVI B, 05 H is having Immediate addressing Mode .
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                         5×6=30
What are the applications of microprocessors?
Draw the pin diagram of
Explain the various addressing modes of 8085 ?
What are the various steps involved in execution of program ?
Explain the bus organization of 8085?
What is Stack? Explain its Function.
What is flag register of 8085? Explain all Flags.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                              3×10=30
Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ?
Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ?
What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ?
Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ?
Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional Blocks ?
microprocessor 8085 mp
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Section a:- microprocessor 8085 mp may 2018 diploma paper solution
The Data bus in 8085 is ______ bit8 Bit
A Maximum memory that can be connected to 8085 microprocessor is ____64KB
Program Counter (PC) in 8085 is used to point to the address of instruction to be _____Fetched
EPROM Stands for ____________Erasable Program Read Only Memory.Â
A 8085 has ___________ addressing modeFourÂ
DAA stands for _________________ÂDecimal Adjust Accumulator
____________ is the highest priority Interrupt.TRAP
DMA means ______________Direct Memory Access.
________ instruction is used to output data from SOD Line.SIM instructionÂ
Bit Set Reset Mode.
JK Engineering Classes BE Paper May 2018 Solution Click Here
Section B : Microprocessor PAPER MAY 2018 solution here
Short Note on the special purpose registers of 8085 ?Special purpose registers of 8085 Click Here.
Explain the function of assembler, compiler and Interpreter. Describe instruction cycle, machine cycle and fetch Cycle What is the basic difference between programmed data transfer and DMA scheme ? Describe the flags of 8085 ?Solution Click Here
Explain how address and data lines are de-multiplexed in 8085 ?Solution Click Here
Differentiate between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O ?Poor Power Factor
Six important Advantages of Electrical Energy ?Advantages of Electrical Energy
JK Engineering Classes Provide the Video lecture solution of these paper Click Here
microprocessor mp 8085 MAY 2018 diploma PAPER
For More videos Click HereSection c microprocessor 8085 MAY 2018 paper SOLUTION HERE
Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ? Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ? What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ? Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ? Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional Blocks ?For any Help Related to BE Paper Solution Contact Us
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  Microprocessor 8085 MP PSBTE May 2018 Paper                              SECTION-A
Q1. Do as directed.                                                   15×1=15
- Data bus in 8085 is 8 bit
- Maximum memory that can be connected to 8085 microprocessor is 64KB.
- Program Counter (PC) in 8085 is used to point to the address of instruction to be Fetched.
- EPROM stands for Erasable Program Read Only Memory.Â
- 8085 has Four addressing mode.
- DAA stands for Decimal Adjust Accumulator.Â
- TRAP is the highest priority Interrupt.
- DMA means Direct Memory Access.
- Â SIM instruction is used to output data from SOD Line.
- Â BSR stands for Bit Set Reset Mode.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                         5×6=30
- Describe the special purpose registers of 8085 ?
- Explain the function of assembler, compiler and Interpreter.
- Describe instruction cycle, machine cycle and fetch Cycle.
- What is the basic difference between programmed data transfer and DMA scheme ?
- Describe the flags of 8085 ?
- Explain how address and data lines are de-multiplexed in 8085 ?
- Differentiate between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O ?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                              3×10=30
- Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ?
- Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ?
- What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ?
- Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ?
- Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional Blocks ?
microprocessor 8085 mp
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Section a FILL IN THE BLANK beE paper
The Data bus in 8085 is ______ bit8 Bit
A Maximum memory that can be connected to 8085 microprocessor is ____64KB
Program Counter (PC) in 8085 is used to point to the address of instruction to be _____Fetched
EPROM Stands for ____________Erasable Program Read Only Memory.Â
A 8085 has ___________ addressing modeFourÂ
DAA stands for _________________ÂDecimal Adjust Accumulator
____________ is the highest priority Interrupt.TRAP
DMA means ______________Direct Memory Access.
________ instruction is used to output data from SOD Line.SIM instructionÂ
BSR stands for ____________Bit Set Reset Mode.
JK Engineering Classes BE Paper May 2018 Solution Click Here
Section B : Microprocessor PAPER MAY 2018 solution here
Short Note on the special purpose registers of 8085 ?Special purpose registers of 8085 Click Here.
Explain the function of assembler, compiler and Interpreter. Describe instruction cycle, machine cycle and fetch Cycle What is the basic difference between programmed data transfer and DMA scheme ? Describe the flags of 8085 ?Solution Click Here
Explain how address and data lines are de-multiplexed in 8085 ?Solution Click Here
Differentiate between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O ?Poor Power Factor
Six important Advantages of Electrical Energy ?Advantages of Electrical Energy
JK Engineering Classes Provide the Video lecture solution of these paper Click Here
microprocessor mp 8085 MAY 2018 diploma PAPER
For More videos Click HereSection c microprocessor 8085 MAY 2018 paper SOLUTION HERE
Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ? Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ? What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ? Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ? Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional Blocks ?For any Help Related to BE Paper Solution Contact Us
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